
Dear Mother Nature, Please Don't Ever Let It End

Right now it is absolutely amazing in New Orleans.  The humidity is ziltch, the heat has subsided and it is a perfectly comfortable 75-ish degrees out without a cloud in the sky.  The AC has been turned off and the windows are wide open.
I'm even wearing tights today.  The weather is getting in the mood for Halloween, which is perfect because this last weekend was dedicated to decorating. So out Mr. Bama and I went to find fun stuff for the house.  Six hours and five stores later, I found myself  incredibly disappointed with the Halloween decorations avialiable in the stores right now (picked-over doesn't even begin to explain the stores Halloween decoration sections), so I'm resorting to quality, not quantity.  Enter our trusty wreath that we used for our wedding + some ribbon and fake spider webs:

This plus a few orange lights for our banister and we are done and done until we get closer to the actual holiday when we'll get our Pumpkins for carving.  We've found that if you buy them too early in NOLA they will be subject to rotting away very quickly if they don't get smashed by some juvenile delinquent first.  Mr. Bama did manage to find some incredibly cute double old fashioned glasses for the holiday at World Market:

So now its just sitting back, relaxing and enjoying being done with Halloween decorating, as well as being super thrilled by a recent work development that I'm super excited about (and I will be sharing in a future post).  Happy Fall, Y'all!

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