On the road again...

Be Our Guest!

and all of the bags ready to be delivered for our many guests:
Est Fini!

Also, I've finished my seating chart! here's all the escort cards separated alphabetically
and here is the lovely seating chart. Dear Martha Stewart: your graphic seating chart tool on your website rocks. I heart you.

People are starting to arrive as well: the best man on Monday, my cousin last night and tonight will be 2 of my best friends from grad school & one of Bama boy's friends from Birmingham. THIS is why i love weddings = everyone you both love all in one place at one time. Its a beautiful thing!
Experiment in Libations
Well I experimented last night with my signature drink concoction and boy am I glad i tried this out. I went by the recipe, but added strawberry slices (1/2 a berry) to the mint and muddled both together. We're not big liquor drinkers in my family and my shaker, strainer, etc are in New Orleans. So I had to improvise: Ball jar as a shaker, ice tea spoon as a jigger and a VERY tiny holed colander as a strainer. Necessity truly is the mother of invention. So i followed the recipe, with my strawberry addition and my drink turned out a very very pale tan color. I took a sip and the result.
Mint cough syrup.
with a hint of vanilla.
it was NOT good to say the least. Images of guests gagging at my wedding with their complementary drinks popped into my head. Stories of "the wedding I went to where the bride obviously didn't like her guests - she tried to poison them with a bad martini" rang in my ears.
Something had to be done. After thinking about it and mulling it over in my head for a night, i realized the problem. The drink didn't taste like strawberry at all -- I might as well have not put any strawberries in at all. So tonight, when I made my drink, I upped it to 1 and 1/2 sliced strawberries added to the mint.
The result? You be the judge:
a pretty pink drink. And the taste? delightful! The mint is still the primary taste, but the vanilla and MORE strawberry help to balance the strength of the mint as well as add some depth to the taste. It is NOT a fruity drink: it 's a feminine "strong" drink.
I absolutely love it! But I also learned my lesson: always try a drink and/or recipe before you choose to serve it to other people. Otherwise you risk serving something resembling mint cough syrup.
on the subject of Bling
Needless to say, less than 5 minutes after I took my ring off, my hand felt lonely, barren and naked. So this was my solution:
Speaking of wedding-related jewelry, my necklace for the actual wedding arrived today. I looked high and low for a pretty multi-strand coral colored pearl necklace that would add a little pop to my entirely ivory dress. The flowers are coral, the ribbon wrapping the flowers is navy, the dress is ivory and my shoes are navy, so I figured - let's go coral! So after searching etsy, nordstroms, steinmart, tjmaxx, and dillards with no success, I ventured back to store I visited a few years ago in Washington DC. I bookmarked their webpage shortly after and visited the website every so often w/out actually purchasing anything. Fornash Designs in DC has not only custom purses (i was fascinated by the truly create-your-own purse set-up they had in the store last time in visited) but it also carries some preppy accessories that have an eclectic twist. I discovered their 8 strand pearl necklace in peach color, instantly loved it, and decided to go ahead and purchase it.
Here it is:
the simple clasp
And it on me.. the ONLY thing I'm concerned about is that it might be a little too much. That's why I have 5 bridesmaids and a mom - to let me know if things look wayy to busy. I still love my new necklace though, even if it doesn't work w/ my wedding dress!
From our recipe book to yours --
Each holder will have 4 various votives holders & candles around them, with the tables that ask the guest to write their opinions having a votive holder hold little golf pencils in them.
A Sweet Farm wedding
Misa married her college sweetheart, JM, at the farm thats been in her family for years - Padua out in western Virgina. It was absolutely wonderful to see all the plans of my wedding planner partner in crime the past 9ish months come to fruition. From the beautiful weather, to the groom being late to the alter, and to the slightly choreographed first dance, everything was PERFECT and very Misa-JM.
Ok, enough of my chatter and onto the pretty pictures:

heres to the happy newlyweds!
Bottoms Up!
and the whole shebang!
So if you're ever up for a quirky taste of the old south like a Gin Fizz or a Hurricane, try the fabulous book Southern Cocktails: Dixie Drinks, Party Potions and Classic Libations by Denise Gee.
Next up - the cocktail table decorations!